
All API requests require an API key for authentication. Include your API key in the headers of your requests.

            Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Base URL


Get Account Information

Retrieve account usage and limit information.

            GET /account
            Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Create Print Order

Place an order to print certificates for specific recipients.

            POST /print-orders
            Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

                "template_id": "template123",
                "recipients": [
                    {"name": "Alice", "email": "[email protected]"},
                    {"name": "Bob", "email": "[email protected]"}
                "notes": "Urgent delivery"

Track Print Order

Check the status and progress of a print order.

            GET /print-orders/order123
            Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Generate a Certificate

Create a new certificate using a specified template.

            POST /certificates
            Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

                "template_id": "template123",
                "recipient": "John Doe",
                "date": "2023-08-26",
                "details": {
                    "achievement": "Completion of Course",
                    "instructor": "Jane Smith"

Retrieve Certificate Template

Get information about a specific certificate template.

            GET /templates/template123
            Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Upload Template

Upload a new certificate template for future use.

            POST /templates/upload
            Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

            - template_file: [Upload your template file]


We take security seriously to protect your data.

  • All API requests must be made over HTTPS.
  • API keys are required for authentication and must be kept confidential.
  • Regular security audits and updates are performed to ensure system integrity.

Talk to us